Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Hair hair everywhere

I've recently decided to lower my maintenance level. The eyelash extensions are off, I'm hanging up the hair extensions for now, and thinking of how to limit my highlights. I know, i know, but I grew up in California and spent a few years in Tampa. This stuff doesn't even SEEM weird anymore. It seems weird when someone doesn't have a handful of hair extensions under their sink. 

So, as most of you ladies know (and maybe a few of you guys?) growing out blonde hair is an ugly, ugly process. It looks somewhere between skunky and trailer trash. It got me thinking though - at least I have an option of ombre, highlights or just flat out dying it. Poor Tim Tebow didn't have any of those options when he got a hazing haircut...

He did eventually shave his whole head, but it got me to thinking, who else in the sports world has had cringe worthy hair? Here's a few of my favorites...

Troy Polumlu. I just want to give it a keratin treatment and attack it with a flat iron. I pretty much LOVE all of his Head and Shoulders commercials though.

David Beckham. It should seriously be illegal for a man this good looking to have hair THIS bad. I mean, he pulls it off about as well as a white guy can...but ugh. 
Anyone else I'm missing? Or any tips on ways to grow out dark roots without looking like this...

1 comment:

  1. Hi! THis is really random I know but I currently write a blog called Surviving Sports and I really want to move it over to Twitter. I was wondering if you would possibly consider letting me have your Twitter handle. I would never randomly just come out and ask this but I thought that since it's been a few years since you've tweeted, you wouldn't mind. I would really really appreciate it.

    Thank you so much!
